A great way to add revenue for your event is via advertising and/or sponsorship and the Jill Edmund Virtual Theatre has three ways for you to promote your productions supporters.
On the floor plan are designed Ad Banner spots. We are able to display your sponsors names/logos in the theatre and your audience will be able to click on them which creates a pop up of either the sponsors logo or simple message plus a button that can take them to their website. There is available 2 TITLE Sponsor Spots and up to 8 regular Sponsor Spots. The premium spots are in the middle of the floor plan and are the easiest to see, where as the regular spots (8) are on the right hand side.*
In the top left corner of the JEVT we have Lobby TV, just like in real theatres, that can scroll through your sponsors, upcoming events etc. It runs on the audience members screen the moment they enter the theatre and will loop for as long as we are in the lobby.
These same Ad Banner spots and video screen run on every floor, so no matter what floor the audience is on, it will be available for them to look at.
The third way for your sponsors to advertise themselves is through the Virtual Program. Click here to learn more about how it works.
*number of spots and locations are based on the standard JEVT layout. Different floorplans may have different options
Sponsorship Floorplan Example
Virtual Program Sample