Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use a tablet or my phone?
You can but we recommend using a desktop or laptop for best results. Some functionality is lost or more difficult to use on a tablet or phone.
Do I have to use Chrome as my browser?
You don’t have to as the theatre can function using Safari but the platform was built for Chrome and runs smoother with that platform.
Why should I use this platform if I can just put my show on using Zoom or Youtube Live?
The Jill Edmund Virtual Theatre gives you the closest experience to real life. Youtube live is like watching a TV and posting in a chat, where as Zoom is hundreds of heads and it’s impossible to have conversations. In the Jill Edmund, you are seated at tables of two to ten people, depending on the table size, and those are the only people you are speaking with. If you want to move to another table to meet more people you can with a simple double click to another table.
What if I don’t know how many people are going to attend? What size theatre should I get?
You will not have to choose the size of your theatre until 7 days before your performance date(s).
How do I reserve the theatre?
Once you have chosen your dates we require a $50 deposit per rental day to hold those dates.
What happens if we have to postpone or cancel?
If you have to postpone, we will hold onto your deposit until you know your performance dates. If you have to cancel we will return 75% of your deposit.
Do you take care of the box office?
As of right now, we recommend you selling the tickets yourself.
As it is a paid event, how can you stop people from crashing the event?
You would provide us with a list of emails that correspond to the people who bought tickets. We enter it into the theatre system on the back end to let us know who is allowed into the theatre.
I bought my ticket but I am being told I can’t get into the theatre?
There are a couple of reasons for that:
A) the client renting the theatre has not provided your email address to us B) the email you are trying to input is different from the one we have in the system
C) the email provided may have been spelled wrong
We recommend contacting the people from whom you purchased the ticket.
My camera and mic are not working?
We have staff/ushers on site who can help with any issues. Sometimes it’s as simple as refreshing your browser, to something more complicated as you have a firewall installed which does not allow you to go on the platform.
Why should I arrive 30 minutes early for the show since it’s virtual?
Just like when going to see a show in real life, unforeseen issues may arise. Instead of dealing with heavy traffic or there being no parking spots, you may have an issue with your camera or microphones and need some time to fix these issues. The good thing about arriving early virtually is that once th issues is fixed you can come back to the computer one
I want to keep my speakers/performers in private room until the events starts. Can I do that?
Yes, every floor has a designed green room where we can put the speakers/performers until the event starts. Only designated people have access to the green room, meaning the audience can’t just pop in to say hello.